Run. Hide. Fight.
Run. When an active shooter is in your vicinity:
- If there is an escape path, attempt to evacuate
- Evacuate whether others agree to or not
- Leave your belongings behind
- Help others escape if possible
- Prevent others from entering the area
- Call 9-1-1 when you are safe
Hide. If an evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide:
- Lock and/or blockade the door
- Silence your cell phone
- Hide behind large objects
- Remain very quiet
Your hiding place should:
- Be out of the shooter’s view
- Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction
- Not trap or restrict your options for movement
Fight.As a last resort, and only if your life is in danger:
- Attempt to incapacitate the shooter
- Act with physical aggression
- Improvise weapons
- Commit to your actions
Read the Active Shooter: How to Respond booklet by the Department of Homeland Security.
What to Report
- Your specific location – building name and room number
- Number of people at your specific location
- Injuries – number injured and what types of injuries
- Assailant Information – number of suspects, their location, race and gender, clothing description, physical features and types of weapons they have (long gun or hand gun), backpack and the shooters identity if known. If they have left the area note their direction of travel if possible.
For on-campus emergencies call University Police at 828.232.5000 or active an emergency phone. For off-campus emergencies, dial 911. Be aware that phone lines will likely be overwhelmed. Program numbers in your cell phone to help you be prepared.