Event Security
University Police provides security services for special events upon request. The event must be sponsored by UNC Asheville and held on UNC Asheville property.
Requests for security services must be made at least two weeks in advance to ensure scheduling.
There is an hourly cost for per uniformed police officer:
- For events by a UNC Asheville campus department that is specifically designed for the University Community and run by or sponsored by a UNC Asheville organization: $50/hour (minimum of 4 hours)
- Educational events and traffic details by a non-profit organization, school, or government agency: $55/hour (minimum of 4 hours)
- Non-educational events, concerts, speaker events, traffic details, races, concerts, or any event by a for-profit company (or summer camps): $60/hour (minimum of 4 hours)
- Events requiring more than 5 officers will require a supervisor assigned. The rate for the supervisor will be $60/hour (minimum of 4 hours) for all categories.
Please contact Wade Wood, Deputy Chief of Police at wwood5@unca.edu or 828.232.5000 to schedule police officers or other needed security services.
Any questions or concerns regarding event security may also be directed to Daran Dodd, Chief of Police at ddodd2@unca.edu or 828.232.5000.
Event Parking
The University Police Department works with the Parking Services office to assist with parking coordination and reservations for on-campus events. This includes:
- Traffic control plans
- Reserving parking spaces for event VIPs
- Parking assistance for oversized vehicles
- Monitoring loading/unloading of buses
- Electronic signs: programming and placement
Please contact Parking Services at 828.251.6691 or parking@unca.edu to make a request. Please give at least two weeks notice when requesting reserved parking spaces or officer assistance.