Campus Crime & Fire Log

The daily crime and fire log is a requirement of the Jeanne Clery Act and records criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that are reported to the University Police Department. Entries are required to be made within two business days of the reporting of the information to the department.

View the Crime & Fire Log

UNC Asheville’s Crime & Fire Log is updated using a combination of information entered into the University Police’s computer-aided dispatch (or CAD) software and records management system.  The Crime & Fire Log incidents posted will not match the crime statistics as reported in the Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report.  Information for the Crime & Fire Log represents all incidents reported to Campus Police. The crime statistics reported in the Annual Campus Security and Fire Safety Report are compiled using the Federal Uniformed Crime Reporting definitions.

How to Read the Crime Log

Incidents reported to University Police are reflected in each row. Call numbers are assigned to each incident, and an Originating Case Assigned (OCA) number is also assigned if a police report was completed. Each incident row includes: when the report was received, the nature of the incident, when and where it was alleged to have occurred, and the disposition status.

Circumstances When Entries May Be Withheld

According to the Clery Act, entries where disclosure is prohibited by law or would jeopardize the victim’s confidentiality are exempt from entry in the log. Certain entries may be temporarily withheld if there is clear and convincing evidence that the release of information would do one of the following:

  • Jeopardize an ongoing investigation;
  • Jeopardize the safety of an individual;
  • Cause a suspect to flee or evade detection; or
  • Result in the destruction of evidence.

Even if a reported crime is investigated and determined to have not occurred, the log will indicate that the disposition is “unfounded.”

Archived Entries

To view archived crime and fire log entries up to seven years before the date of your request, you may request a copy or view them at Weizenblatt Hall during normal business hours or by contacting the University Police Department at Logs are no longer required to be updated after 60 days since the entry is made.